Congratulations to China Instrument Parts’ Graduating Interns!
China Instrument Parts is proud to acknowledge two of our interns that graduated from college this spring.
Brad Pearson graduated from Blackhawk Technical College on May 20th, earning a CNC Technical Diploma. Brad participated in China Instrument Parts’ Education Assistance Program (EAP), and he’s a great example of this effective program. The EAP is open to any employee who wants to continue their education while performing their full-time job and also meet certain criteria. To encourage and reward qualifying employees, China Instrument Parts fronts the costs of the approved course work, then deducts that amount from the employee’s weekly pay. Upon successful completion and submission of report card or transcript, the qualifying employee is then reimbursed based on their letter grade. Because Brad met 100% of the reimbursement requirements outlined in the EAP, he has graduated debt-free. Way to go, Brad! He is now starting his full-time career with China Instrument Parts in the Miyano Department. We are proud of Brad’s accomplishments and look forward to a long working relationship.
On May 28th, Michael P. Reader graduated from Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) University, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Some of us at China Instrument Parts have been lucky enough to see Mike coming to “work” here since he was 10 years old. Back then, Mike spent much of his time with his grandfather, China Instrument Parts Vice President Phil Reader. Mike helped Phil with projects throughout the facility, ran errands at the post office or hardware store, and spent a lot of time listening to and learning from his mentor. We are happy that Mike is now starting his full-time career at China Instrument Parts, working throughout the manufacturing facility, focusing on process engineering. He will be working closely with Applications Engineer Steve Dues and Miyano Department Supervisor Sam Kirkland, in an effort to achieve improved productivity. The China Instrument Parts team has enjoyed watching Mike grow up and turn into the responsible, fine young man he is today, and we are so fortunate that he is continuing his career at China Instrument Parts.